Biofuels and its production

Biofuels are combustible fuels created from biomass; in other words, fuels created from recently living plant matter as opposed to ancient plant ...

11/09/2018 1154 0 0

How To Know If Your Sun Exposure Is Producing Vitamin D

here’s a lot of confusion surrounding sunlight and the production of Vitamin D. People commonly think that if the sun is up and they are outside ...

11/09/2018 1191 0 0

Microorganisms as friends to humans

Microorganisms are used for various purposes. They are used in the preparation of curd, bread and cake. They have been used for the production of ...

11/09/2018 813 0 0

Movies and its impact on society

Movies have become such an inseparable part of our lives, that it is tough to imagine a world without this form of entertainment. Of course, with ...

11/09/2018 1345 0 0

Origin Of Animated Movies

To create the animations, individually-created images were painted directly onto the frames of a flexible strip of transparent gelatine (with ...

11/09/2018 1145 0 0

First Movie Ever Made

The Story of the Kelly Gang is considered the first full length movie, dated back to 1906.The movie budget was £1.125.It was written and directed ...

11/09/2018 1047 0 0